Eternal card game relic
Eternal card game relic

eternal card game relic

The first one is that by going Combrei you gain both the benefit of Dinosaur Nest and Furious Magniventris while being able to manage the one thing that can give you trouble. Said this, the fact that the better choices for countering Dinosaur Nest are in Fire Aggro, this brings to a double problem. Given also its interations with Armor and just how good Stormhal Plating is, it's essentially the best anti-aggro card. And to add it on top of it all, even if it gets killed it will still benefit the player, as an enemy unit is stunned and you gain Armor. Searing Fist? Sorry, he's better than Elena on surviving that, icing on the cake is that while Fevered Dispute could kill it, he's a dinosaur so no. Call the Hit? Sorry, it has 3 Strength and while that could make it a target for Sinister Rumors, with Endurance the times you can use it are essentially halved. The funny thing is that they made it to just barely avoid most common removal so that if you want to really erase it you need to expend way more resources than your opponent.

eternal card game relic

The problem I see is that outside of playing yourself Dinosaur Nest decks, the other viable solution to counter them is to play Fire, but in that case you get wrecked by Furious Magniventris. Other viable answers are in Justice and Fire, but there is a catch in this: yes, Fire's Bullseye and Oni Inciter are somewhat viable, but they belong mostly to Aggro based decks. And of these answers, only a few of them are actually viable (biggest offender is Waystone Ignitor, which you need multiple copies of him and is a legendary). Starting with Dinosaur Nest, most of the answers are in Time, which means the best course is to play a Dinosaur Nest yourself together with answers to your opponent's Dinosaur Nest. I understand that they can be answered, but to do so it's incredibly narrow and at the end of the day makes running such cards the best possible solution, limiting deck building. To say that these two cards are pretty much dominating Expedition is an underestimation, on Eternal Warcry they easily jumped into the top of the most played cards, with Combrei now being the go-to.

Eternal card game relic